Hey! Howw are you today?

Click the images to navvigate my Carrd!
Formatted for computer vviewwing! sorry!
About me
I'm not actually sure wwhat to put here so heres just a list of facts about me

I'm 17, and a Scorpio
My pronouns are He/Him
I'm Bi and Poly-flexible (meaning I'm not opposed to monogamy)
I havve a hard time understandin wwhen someone is joking so please be patient wwith me! Tone tags like /j /srs /hj /s and similar are vvery helpful!
I personally am a Celtic/Pagan and I (infrequently) practice Magick, though I'm inclusive and lovving of all religions so long as you're accepting of mine! <3
I play Ukulele and I occasionally wwrite songs but they end up bein kinda depressing so I don't post most of them, but I am nevver opposed to playing privvate concerts! though I might be a bit shy at first of course!
No quirk here so its easy to read!
DNI if...
-you meet basic DNI criteria (racist, MAP, homophobic etc)
-you have a problem with any of my kins, or if you don't like kin posting.
-you're under 13.
-you participate in gay/lesbian erasure (I.E shipping a canon lesbian with a man, supporting he/him lesbians etc)
-you post NSFW of characters that are canonically minors (personally I don't have a problem with aging characters up as long as its OBVIOUS!)
-You use fae/faer pronouns
-You are here to gather info about me or my posts for people I've blocked. Or if you ARE someone I've blocked (the exception being if ur coming back to apologize and kiss my feet /hj )

Before you follow!
-I frequently go on rants about life stuff and I do yell on my story occasionally
-I have ADHD and anxiety derived Tourettes so expect sharp movements and stimming, I do not TW my stimming. but I will try to TW my tics.

-I often get carried away by my feelings and will make "callout" posts on my story, (I rarely name drop, the only exception is if I'm warning people about pr*dators, manipulators or stalkers)
-I often make conversations about myself, if you catch me doing this and its unwelcome, call me out! I don't realize I'm doing it.
-I tend to vent and ramble a lot in dms especially if I feel like I'm being listened to. If my vents, or my delves into deep convos bothers you feel free to tell me!
-I go into depression cycles frequently, this consists of me believing nobody wants to be around me. If we talk frequently I will often need reassurance that I am not doing anything wrong.
-I sometimes make jokes about k*lling myself, this is never serious unless prefaced/TW'd as a vent.
My Kins
I am a spiritual kinnie with kin mems, see the kin memories page for more details!
Doubles fine on all my kins!
ID kin/Perma-shift
-Eridan Ampora
Mid Kins/Frequent shifts
-Tom Lucitor
-Jason Dean
-Lil Hal
-Marshall (Paw Patrol)
-Adrien Agreste
-Blame (Brandon Rogers Universe)
Low Kins/Rare shifts
-Gamzee Makara
-Bojack Horseman
-Jay Bilzarian
-Ticci Toby
-Ed (Ed Edd and Eddy)
-Klaus Hargreeves
-The Queen of Hearts (2010 rendition)
-Jake Peralta
-Milo (Fish Hooks)
-Cody (TDI)
-Stan Pines

Otherkin/Therian kins
-Golden Retriever Lab mix Puppy
-Lion Cub
-Spotted Pig
-Hoarding Dragon
-Fairy kin?
-Shark kin.
My apology
Prompt: write a youtuber apology in the perspective of your highest kin.
I don't think I wwill evver be able to describe the guilt I feel about wwhat I did, I wwas young, and reckless and if you cannot forgivve me I understand. Hurting Fef, Kan, and Sol.. and anyone that wwas emotionally hurt by my actions- it wwas nevver my true intention. I wwas lost, and scared and I didn't wwant to lose to Jack.
Wwhen I look back on my actions I can't evven comprehend wwhat wwas going through my mind, and I hope anyone I hurt, physically or otherwise can forgivve me.
from the vvery bottom of my heart,
I'm sorry

Tag list
There are other fandoms I'm in but these are the ones I post about frequently.
DM for tags!
-Eridan and Lil Hal @me
-Roxy @rl_eddy_l_fry
-Kanaya @alec_cas_woods
-Aradia @_strawberry_moth
-Vriska @videlectrix
-Karkat @karkat.vantas.strider
-Cronus, Gamzee & Jade @eroticlobotomy_
-Tavros @p.orcupinecone
Star vs the Forces of Evil
-Tom Lucitor @me
-Marco @p.orcupinecone
Miraculous Ladybug
-Adrien/Chat Noir @me
someone help I only rlly
know homestuck kinnies

Comfort Characters
Bold Italics = Romantic Interest
Star vs the Forces of Evil
King River
Literally any JannaTom kid

Other Fandoms
Teddy (ACNH)
Pietro (ACNH)
Sokka (ATLA)
Lagoona Blue (MH)
Cherri Bomb (HH)
Everest (Paw Patrol)
Deadpool (Marvel)
Derpy Hooves (MLP G4)
Minty (MLP G3)
Thistle Whistle (MLP G3)
Anna (Frozen)
Finn (AT)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Sam (Brandon Rogers)
Amy Peralta (Brooklyn-99)
Charles Boyle (Brooklyn-99)
D.va (overwatch)
Echo (overwatch)
Mad Hatter (all vers)
Heather Macnamara (Heathers)
Trigger List
My triggers, and the list of things I already tag.
If I followw you PLEASE tag these topics!
-Intense Gore, specifically things showing or describing broken bones, and eyeball gore.
-mention of hang nails or peeling skin
-Videos or images showing hate crimes being committed.
-Criticism on any of my CC's (I'm open to hearing about it but I'd like a heads up)
-the ships Gamquius, and BakuDeku.
-Anything about child/s*x tr*fficking.
-Distant arguing/yelling (I.E those audios that feature muffled arguments "from the other room")
If for whatever reason it comes up and you have questions its okay to ask but only if I brought it up !!!

This list is more so for me to remember wwhat to tag, if you need something tagged let me knoww!!
-Basic TW stuff (mentions of s*uicide, S*lf H*rm, Dr*gs etc)
-All gore (even minimal bl//d)
-those "2020? pandemic? what are u talking about?" memes
-M*lanie M*rtinez
-Br* Strider
-Erisol all quadrants
-Unreality (i.e simulation theory things)
-gun shots
-Talk or Images of scars or injuries.
-Sudden loud noises or fast movements
Kin memories
First off, I'd like to explain how I view kinning;
There are many people that view their kins as past lives, as far as I'm aware only one or two of my kins feel to me like a past life.
most of my kins I view as current timelines existing in an alternate reality, I experience them as they happen in alternate timelines.
I view my kin memories as leaked matter from the alternate realities.
My consciousness is merged with the consciousness of myself in other realities.
Assuming you understand this, we can continue.

Eridan Memories